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Four Horsemen By Renegade INC

Four Horsemen is an award winning independent feature documentary made by the Renegade Inc. team which lifts the lid on how the world really works.


As we will never return to ‘business as usual’ 23 international thinkers, government advisors and Wall Street money-men break their silence and explain how to establish a moral and just society.


Four Horsemen is free from mainstream media propaganda — the film doesn’t bash bankers, criticise politicians or get involved in conspiracy theories. It ignites the debate about how to usher a new economic paradigm into the world which would dramatically improve the quality of life for billions.

Hidden Secrets Of Money

Mike Maloney Hidden Secrets of Money

Mike Maloney is host of the smash hit video series, Hidden Secrets of Money; former Rich Dad/Poor Dad advisor; author of the best-selling precious metals book, Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver, and founder of For more than a decade, Mike’s travelled the world sharing his economic insights with audiences from Hong Kong to Rome and from Silicon Valley to Wall Street.


Throughout the ages, many things have been used as currency: livestock, grains, spices, shells, beads, and now paper. But only two things have been money: gold and silver. When paper currency becomes too abundant, and thus loses value, man always turns back to the precious metals. During these events there is always an enormous wealth transfer, and it is within your power to transfer that wealth either away from you or toward you.

The Gap Between Rich & Poor, The Divide


Across the United States and the United Kingdom, economic policies that were set in place decades ago continue to harbor a growing wedge between the wealthy and the poor.


The ambitious two-part documentary The Divide introduces us to seven citizens who have experienced the effects of this disparity firsthand.

Though the film includes archived news footage related to several key economic milestones,

the technology boom

the rise of Wall Street

the calamitous financial crisis of 2008,

It is by no means a dry lesson in government policy.

Instead, the filmmakers focus almost exclusively on the human side of the equation.

The Gap Between Rich & Poor

Inside Job

Inside Job is a 2010 American documentary film, directed by Charles Ferguson, about the late-2000s financial crisis. Ferguson, who began researching in 2008, says the film is about "the systemic corruption of the United States by the financial services industry and the consequences of that systemic corruption".  In five parts, the film explores how changes in the policy environment and banking practices helped create the financial crisis.


Inside Job was acclaimed by film critics, who praised its pacing, research and exposition of complex material. It screened at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival in May and won the 2010 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.


The documentary is split into five parts. It begins by examining how Iceland was highly deregulated in 2000 and the privatization of its banks. When Lehman Brothers went bankrupt and AIG collapsed, Iceland and the rest of the world went into a global recession.

Inside Job
European Union Conspiracy

European Union Conspiracy

In 1972 the British Prime Minister Edward Heath signed the British People into the Common Market thus starting the steady decline of the UK's sovereignty to Europe. It is now known that the people of the UK were deceived and lied to by their own government to allow this Coup d'etat to happen.


This documentary, introduced by Sir Patrick Moore, features journalist Christopher Booker, Police Superintendent Trevor Colman, Christopher Gill, Lindsay Jenkins among others

Brexit: Why Britain Left The EU

Brexit: Why Britain Left the European Union

Nigel Farage, the former leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), has made a new video (below) called 'Brexit: Why Britain Left the European Union' in which he calls the EU a 'conspiracy of the elites'.


He then asks 'Who are those elites', then gives the answer as a "….bunch of self-important, overpaid social engineers with useless college degrees, who have never done a proper day's work in their lives and have no connection with ordinary decent people".

He goes on to say that Europe, as a continent, is an exciting and vibrant place but that the people that live inside the EU have been effectively hi-jacked by a giant ever expanding bureaucracy.


The Gap Between Rich & Poor
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