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Thank you for taking the time to visit the vibrant new party in Britain


The Common Ground Independence Party


Many of you have woken up to the truth of British politics and we feel now is time take it to the next level.  We hope by informing you about the current state of affairs that you will be able to join or support our team so together we can restore this great country for you and your family once and for all.  We can't do this without you.


It's time to make history!

About Us

About Us

Great, you made it this far! Now, we can copy the political parties and make ourselves sound all upper-class or something we are not but that isn't what we're about. This party was founded in 2016 after realizing that so many common people voted to leave the EU and were fed up with the current system which us  gave hope that we could take the establishment head on. The founders at C.G.I.P have spent many years researching all aspect of life, be it economics, the monetary system, politics, corporations, law, education, everything you need to understand to be able to fix the issues, so that is what we are going to do with your help, you just don't it yet.


 We also found out how clueless politicians really are, is this a coincidence or is it by design? We know the answer to that but we also know from the famous saying “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” you have to come to your own conclusions with the facts we provide.


We spent many months before the leave campaign educating people on the European union and the way they control our country, we found that you could explain all you want to some people but if they aren't willing to listen then it goes through one ear and out the other. The best results we personally had were on news pages within the Facebook comments. People who wanted to engage with the media could be found there sharing their opinions and thoughts which opened up the gateway for us to challenge them and provide the proof. This accelerated the process but also destroyed the media because for once in our lives we could challenge their news or propaganda which they didn't like or count on happening so now claim the vote was unfair and rigged through social media.  


So who are? are we? We are water my friends, we are formless but structured, we are the cup and the glass, together we can flow or crash, we are nothing and yet we are everything, we are nobody but an idea in the making that cannot be destroyed. 


In order to change the world all one must do is change the mind.   It's not our aim to lead and control you but have you join our team as an equal, all we do is provide you the knowledge needed to see we are the one and only choice for you.   Once you become fully informed then self governance will be much a better solution for you and your community.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our country has grown very divided over the last couple decades. Inequality between the rich and poor along with the Brexit vote has caused chaos in many peoples lives. No longer do we look at the needs of the country and all of our people but instead it has become a rat race to make as much profit as we can no matter what the consequences. If we think of the bankers defrauding the nation along with multinational corporations who never went to trial and actually got bailed out for committing crimes against humanity.  These types of people would love to remain in the EU because that is the main reason they are not facing criminal prosecution.  


Seeing the inequality build in the recent years we have set-out to discover what the core issues are and how we can change them in a positive manner. To do this we would like to show you all aspects of life. This will involve treatises by legal scholars, field professionals and other great thinkers who have studied the causes and offer solutions. Our party is unlike any other because we don't just focus on one problem, we want to tackle them all. Each part has it's significant place in the line of dominoes and if it isn't addressed we will suffer the same problems over and over again. The main reason as to why these problems occur is the inability to grasp what some people are willing to do to stay in power. This has to change and the only way to do that is to educate you.


We are not here to lead you like cattle, we aren't here to make false promises we won't keep. Our job is to bring out the best in you and others by bringing us all together and seek common ground. The online communities have done very well over the recent years to help awaken people but we found that there are many divided groups who speak about the same problems. One common goal that we all share is that we want the world to be a better place and we know that this can only be achieved if we take action ourselves and not rely on career politicians to solve them for us. It just won't work. For anyone who would like to counter this argument only has to look at how we ended up where we are today. Trust is at an all-time low, divorce rate at an all-time high, the list is endless.


It's early days yet but we believe that the Common Ground Independence party can bring us all under one roof with an equal common goal. A Britain that will work for everyone.

Cultural Identity

Cultural Identity

Cultural identity is one of the most important factors of survival. Any identity is important to have, not just to label yourself but to distinguish you from others. If you are male or female, a dog or a cat, English or Welsh. The problem we face today is contradiction galore. British people aren't allowed to show our identity towards others in our own country due to the influx of foreigners. We are forced to accept their cultural identity and at the same time we get targeted if we do the same. This is called inequality and has a detrimental effect on our country and people. Think of this logically.


Corporations have an identity and make you wear company logo's. We have black jumpers made in China with British company logo's worn by British people. Isn't that racist? What about racists? If they want white power, how come they wear clothes made in foreign countries with many colours other than white? They don't make sense. The problem we face are the politicians and their political correct attitude. You can't speak about anyone foreign without being destroyed in the newspapers or by the EU. So if we as British people have no identity then why do we need a British passport to travel abroad? Why doesn't our passport state that we are a “Nobody”? Why is it that foreign people who come here wearing turbans are allowed to show their identity but we can't do the same? This is being done on purpose and we shall explain how and why.


Britain has been around for a few thousand years and our ancestors made it that we could enjoy real freedom through law. This is called the common law. We as a people would share common interests and a few examples would be coin sizes and values, quality of products in trade and manufacture, sizes/ weights/ measurements. Also laws of how to acquire land and to stop criminals from doing any harm which is English law. These laws were different throughout the country but based on the same principles. Harming anyone is a crime no matter where you live including theft but if you have a smaller population living in your area then you could acquire more land than in other areas. Every human being living in Britain is as powerful as the King but Europe has been trying for centuries to destroy this idea as they believe in emperors and dictators to control the people.


The final act to destroying our freedom came in the 60's when we were manipulated into joining the EU and since then they have allowed corporations to grow too big to fail and now we rely on them too much to be able to imagine a world without them. This is what Brexit is all about. The EU can't let us have our freedoms as we would own our lands from the ground to the sky which means they cannot pollute it or do what they are doing now. In order to stop us from regaining this power to self determination they flood the country with migrants and use the European legal system and human rights to destroy our identity. This has destroyed our relationship with nature which is our very being and creation. We are now governed by corporate entities who dominate policy and set the rules where nature has no standing. When this happen you can guarantee that we are near the end civilization how we know it if we aren't considered human no more.

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